Control and avoid risks before too late

Phalanx attorneys is a professional and broad practice area at law in Taichung, Taiwan.

Investing Taiwan

Risks assessments related to investment in Taiwan related laws, accounting, factories, real estate, property, etc..

Contracts with Taiwanese

Legal risks assessment and litigation related to signing contracts with Taiwanese or Taiwanese companies.

Transnational cooperation between firms

We wholeheartedly welcome law firms from various countries to establish cooperative relations with us.

broad practice area at law in English

lawsuits and arbitration in Taiwan / law risks assessments related broad practice area at law could be using English.

Our Team


Caffrey Chia-Hao, LIANG

Attorney at law / Arbitrator

lawsuits, commercial and corporate, foreign investment, taxation, real estate and property, labour, engineering, intellectual property issues.

Contact with Caffrey

A laptop with a red screen

Ethan Chia-Fu, Kao

Attorney at law

lawsuits, commercial and corporate, real estate and property, labour, intellectual property issues, engineering.

Contact with Ethan


Peggy Pei-Chin, YANG

Attorney at law / Arbitrator

lawsuits, family and marriage issues, commercial and corporate, real estate and property, intellectual property issues, competition law.

Contact with Peggy

避稅 節稅 稅務 國稅局

Joe C.C., WANG

Accounting manager

company registration, accounting bookkeeping service, sales tax declaration, company income tax declaration, tax consultation, factory registration.

Contact with Joe

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